I Am Pregnant with Twins. Is VBAC Still an Option for me?
Being pregnant is an exciting time. If you find out that you are having twins, then you’ll start weighing delivery options. If this is not your first pregnancy and you have had a previous baby via cesarean, then you might be wondering if a vaginal birth after a cesarean (VBAC) is still an option. If you want to deliver a baby vaginally following a cesarean, then you do have options.
Board-certified OBGYN Dr. Samantha Schoenhaus at Essential Women’s Health Associates will discuss your options for having a VBAC delivery if you are expecting twins. We have offices located in Las Vegas and Henderson NV.
Are you a candidate for a VBAC?
If you have had a cesarean previously, then you might want to have your next baby vaginally via a more natural birth. Even if you are giving birth to twins, a VBAC might still be a viable delivery option.
The benefits of having a VBAC include:
No painful abdominal incision
Faster recovery time with a vaginal delivery
Fewer complications compared to a cesarean
No surgical scar
A VBAC is not suitable for all patients. If you meet any of the following conditions, then we typically will not recommend a VBAC as a safe delivery option:
Over the age of 40
Suffer from uterine fibroids
Are obese
Have a high vertical uterine incision
Suffered from previous uterine rupture
Are there risks with a VBAC?
For most women, the risk of having a VBAC is exceptionally low. You could sustain a uterine tear or have blood loss. However, if you decide to have a VBAC and things do not go according to plan, then you can always undergo an emergency c-section.
Typically, if you opt to have a VBAC, we will not perform a cesarean section unless the situation becomes unsafe for the baby or mother. We will closely monitor your baby’s heart rate during the entire labor. If the baby enters a state of distress, then we will immediately perform an emergency cesarean.
Other reasons why we will perform an emergency cesarean instead of continuing the VBAC delivery include:
Labor stalls
Cervix fails to dilate properly or rapidly enough
Baby is in the wrong position, such as a breech
You exhibit signs of suffering from an outbreak of genital herpes
Your baby suffers from a medical condition that could be compromised by a vaginal delivery
There are other reasons why a cesarean might also become a necessity instead of undergoing a VBAC.
Not all medical professionals recommend a VBAC. However, Dr. Schoenhaus and the experienced providers at Essential Women’s Health Associates will discuss your options for undergoing a vaginal delivery after a cesarian section. Your safety and that of your unborn baby are our main concerns.
Contact us for a consultation in Henderson or Las Vegas, NV
Our OBGYNs will listen to your questions concerning a VBAC and discuss your options for safe vaginal delivery. They will evaluate any medical conditions you might have which could impact the success of the delivery. After a physical exam and looking over your medical history, they will discuss whether a VBAC might be an option for your particular case. Contact our team at Essential Women’s Health Associates to schedule an appointment with Dr. Samantha Schoenhaus at our Las Vegas or Henderson, NV office.