How Soon After My Last Birth Can I Have a VBAC Delivery?
Many women who have previously undergone a cesarean section (C-section) may be interested in attempting a vaginal birth after cesarean (VBAC) for their next pregnancy. VBAC can offer numerous benefits, including shorter recovery time and a lower risk of complications. However, it's crucial to understand the factors that influence VBAC eligibility and safety.
At Essential Women’s Health Associates, OBGYN Dr. Samantha Schoenhaus helps patients understand what to expect and how to prepare for their next birth, whether it's a C-section or determining their VBAC eligibility in Las Vegas or Henderson, NV.
Below, we'll look at the recommended time frame between a C-section and a VBAC, as well as the risks, benefits, and preparation necessary for a successful VBAC.
How soon after a cesarean section can I plan a VBAC?
The question of birth spacing and VBAC eligibility can be a tricky one, and Dr. Schoenhaus is committed to providing the most accurate and personalized care possible for every patient based on their unique needs.
However, one of the essential factors to consider when planning a VBAC is the time elapsed since your last C-section. The recommended interdelivery interval (time between deliveries) is generally influenced by the healing process of the uterine scar.
Most healthcare professionals recommend waiting for at least 18 – 24 months after your last C-section before attempting a VBAC. This time frame allows the uterine scar to heal adequately, which reduces the risk of uterine rupture — a rare but severe complication associated with VBAC.
How do I know if I'm eligible for a VBAC?
There are a few guidelines that can influence your eligibility for a VBAC. The first is the type of incision made during your previous C-section. For example, a low transverse incision (horizontal cut across the lower part of the uterus) is considered the safest for attempting a VBAC, whereas a vertical incision or a high transverse (classical) incision may increase the risk of uterine rupture.
If you have had a successful vaginal delivery at some point in the past, your chances of a successful VBAC may be higher. Maternal health history plays a crucial role in determining the safety of VBAC. Factors such as obesity, high blood pressure, or gestational diabetes may increase the risk of complications during a VBAC. Your obstetric history, including the reason for your previous C-section(s) and the number of prior C-sections, can also impact your VBAC suitability.
The size and position of the baby and any known fetal health concerns will also play a role in determining whether it's safe to attempt a VBAC.
The risks and benefits of VBAC
It's essential to weigh the potential risks and benefits of a VBAC before deciding whether to attempt one.
Vaginal deliveries typically involve a shorter recovery period compared to C-sections, allowing mothers to resume their regular activities more quickly. VBAC is also associated with a reduced risk of infection, blood loss, and injury to nearby organs compared to repeat C-sections.
However, these benefits need to be weighed against the potential risks of a VBAC, including a uterine rupture or the need for an emergency C-section if complications arise before or during delivery. These can be associated with a shorter interdelivery interval, which is why 18 months tend to be the shortest amount of time recommended since your last C-section.
Schedule a VBAC delivery in Las Vegas, NV
Patients who are pregnant or who plan to become pregnant and are interested in discussing their suitability for a vaginal birth after cesarean (VBAC) for their next pregnancy are encouraged to make an appointment as early as possible with OBGYN Dr. Samantha Schoenhaus.
Call or email us today to schedule an appointment at Essential Women’s Health Associates in Las Vegas or Henderson, NV.